Happiness Strikes

What a delight this video is!  Coca-Cola is doing this ‘thing’ called Happiness Strikes, blessing random people with random happy events.  This video follows three sweet people from the Philippines living in the United States, who are reunited with their familes through the efforts of the Coca-Cola Company.

Of course, while I believe Jesus Christ alone made the ultimate “Happiness Strike” by becoming a child–

..made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone….

–the giant beverage company does a fair job bringing a smile to many, and tears to these eyes.

I dedicate this to my long-distance, grace-filled and beautiful Filipino friend, Lidia, who blogs at Crown of Beauty.   This is sent with love and prayers for you, dear sister, and a desire for the good news of Jesus to resound and be received by many precious Filipino people, reconciling them to our loving Father and striking them with Joy unspeakable and full of glory!  Love you Lidia!



5 thoughts on “Happiness Strikes

  1. Mom, so excited to listen to the music on your blog, and to see you writing again! A season FULL of things to right about and share~ Love Dad’s pics too…I feel Christmas oozing from this page. 🙂

    • Wow, that was fast 🙂 I’m still editing this! LOL!

      Thank you, Joy Song, for the encouragement and love! The Love of Jesus flows through you!! I’m so blessed to call you daughter AND sister in Christ! Love, Mom

  2. Dear Linda,
    This video was shown at my daughter’s church just last Sunday, the last Sunday I was with her in Manila. There were tears on our eyes as we watched it on a large screen in front – because as Filipinos we are all aware of this major wound in our hearts – the wound of families being separated because a mother or a father has to work overseas to earn money. This is where the term OFW comes from – Overseas Filipino Worker. There are approximately 11 million of them. Which means that 11 million families in our country are missing a mom or a dad. It is good if they are professionals earning a good income, but what if they are working as domestic helpers, taking care of someone else’s home and children while their own children are growing up without a father, without a mother? In such cases, the money they earn is all sent back home, and there is not enough to pay for a plane fare back home to visit. And also, ironically, this group of people – the OFWs – is the top source of revenue of our government. They are all over the world, these 11 million fellow Filipinos. There have been times, the overseas worker arrives in a coffin… or with nothing but the very clothes she is wearing, glad to have found a way to escape, victims of maltreatment, injustice, abuse at the hands of their employers. Very many sad but true stories.

    Thank you for posting this Christmas video and dedicating it to me, your Filipino blog friend!

    • Lidia,
      Thank you for giving us more indepth and heartfelt background behind the Overseas Filipino Workers. It seems there are innumerable, sad and unknown stories in the world–as many as there are people! I pray that our Father, who knows each person intimately and fully, will bring more Happiness and eternal Joy into the lives of all those hard-working family members, and protect them from the uses and abuses in this world. Praying with you! Thanks again, dear friend!

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