Resolved, more or less


Have you ever noticed that most resolutions fit into these two categories, more or less?

MORE                       LESS

$$ Saved                   $$ Spent
Family Time             TV Watching
Reading                     Stress
Exercise                    Weight

We rarely resolve to maintain the status quo in our lives.  Improvement usually means change, and that means doing things better, more or less.  I saw a humble example of this recently, when Billy Graham was a guest on FOX’s Greta Van Sustern program.  Greta asked the 92-year-old spiritual leader what, if anything, he would do differently in his life.  He answered, without hesitation, “Pray More.  Study Scriptures More.  Meditate on Jesus and tell Him I love Him more.  And travel less.”

Like the apostle Paul, Dr. Graham wants to “know him and the power of his resurrection, and share in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.” (Philippians 3:10) 

So, for this year, and many more to come, by God’s grace, I resolve to:

Pray More

Spend more time in God’s Word

and worship Jesus more!

Let us remember with any goal, that “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”  (Romans 10:31)  Are my resolutions, desires, or to-do lists, built on this foundation?  Daily decisions, let alone yearly aspirations, can all be applied against this:

“Whatever we do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.” (Col. 3:17) 

So, with these Scriptures in mind, I commit my year and goals to Him.  With His strength and grace, I expect to complete them…more or less 🙂

Weigh less (started diet already)

Read more (2011 reading list will be posted this week)

Begin my M.Ed at Regent’s U (working on app for school and financial support)

Learn to make herbal soaps for gifts, hopefully from TNFarmGirl.

Blog more often with encouragement in view, particularly to younger women, through my new blog, Titus2U.


Earlier, I noted that we often have a very short list of things we’d do the same this year as the last.  But I did think of a couple:   

Lord willing, may we continue our involvement and fellowship with Calvary Chapel Ottawa, Jericho Road, and Celebrate Recovery this year, always keeping in mind, “it is the Lord Christ whom we serve.” (Col 3:24) 

I jealously desire to hold on to the precious morning devotional time my husband and I have together!


How about you?  Is there anything you aspire to continue this year as you did last?  Or, is there anything in particular you’d like to resolve, more or less?

4 thoughts on “Resolved, more or less

  1. Well, here’s a comment from another Graham. 😉 I think this was a great post and you have some great goals! Congrats on the diet (we’re back on the bandwagon as well) and I’m excited to hear about your M.Ed. plans! I loved the reminder that whatever we do, we need to do it all for His glory – so true! Blessings!

  2. Great list and I will join you in most of them. In your reading, I recommend Arthur Pink’s book
    Studies on Saving Faith. My list will also include a greater prayer time seeking more of God’s wisdom in my life.

  3. Lovely posts, dear Linda. I scrolled down and got to read your 2011 posts. Beautiful prayers, and quotes from Spurgeon.

    COngrats as you work on your M. Ed degree… aren’t we on the same path?

    I have been working on my M Ed degree – started it the month Ernie died, so of course, I could not continue… and now this year, I have confirmation to start on a new path. I might be relocating to Manila to begin my Masters in Guidance Counselling… at the University of the Philippines.

    Let’s pray for each other…


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